ADVOCATE (Journalism Class)

The basic purpose of the ADVOCATE is to write and print the WCHS newspaper. This involves the gathering and editing of facts and data and the formulation of editorial opinion. Membership is open to students enrolled in the Journalism Class.

Jennifer Reiser


Advocates for Awareness is open to all students. The purpose of the club is to help build connections between students who have intellectual/developmental disabilities with their peers.

Jillian Howard


The Ag Club is open to all students. It is an agriculturally based club. Their mission it to increase agriculture awareness and education in the community.

Lindsey Boitnott

Art Club

The purpose of this organization shall be to promote the Art Department of WCHS and the interest of Art throughout the community of Washington. Membership is open to any student who is currently enrolled in an art class.

Jayme Banzhoff

Auto Club

The purpose of this club is to give students who have a passion for automotive an opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills and work on projects that take more time then a normal class allows. This group will seek out Automotive Competitions to compete in. Membership is open to any student at WCHS who is enrolled or has taken an Automotive class. Any one interested outside of this may join after expressing interest in automotive and taking a basic safety test.

James Frye

Book Club

Book Club is an after school club that meets once every 4-6 weeks to read and discuss popular young adult books. Books are voted on by the members of the book club. Book Club also participates in community events.

Tom Gross

Creative Writing

This club would provide external motivation for those who find it difficult to finish projects, complete challenges, or follow through with submissions. The Creative Writing Club would connect student writers who may not find each other otherwise. The club members would celebrate each other's milestones and successes as a group.

Teresa Noe

Cricut Club

The purpose of the Cricut Club is to spread joy and happiness through crafting with the Cricut machine.

Meghan McLauchlan

Erin Parrott

Drama Club

The purpose of Drama Club is to stimulate interest in the Dramatic Arts. It endeavors to provide a better appreciation of all areas of theater; acting, staging, directing, etc. The club presents two all school productions and takes field trips. Membership is open to any student interested in the theatrical arts.

Lisa Stout

Executive Board - Freshmen

 Activities and responsibilities for the Freshman Executive Board include class shirts, Homecoming (float, signs, ect), Boo Bash, a yearly fundraiser, and any other activities directed by your Advisors or designed by your group.

Paige Kilgus

Katie Ortiz

Executive Board - Sophomore

Sophomore Class Executive Boards are responsible for class events. These include, but are not limited to: Homecoming (float building, etc.), a yearly fundraiser and other events at the discretion of advisors and officers. Exec board members will sell concessions at Jr. Varsity football games. We will also participate in Boo Bash. Exec members must attend class meetings. If unable to attend meetings, members must contact a sponsor. Students will participate in a minimum of 2-3 events for the school year. Exact number will be set at the start of each school year. 

Joanna Allen

Christa Heidbreder

Executive Board - Junior

Junior Class Executive Board is a group of student leaders in the Junior Class.  They are responsible for planning Prom, which requires a lot of upfront money which they make by working football and basketball concessions. They carry on those funds and choose their senior gift the following year.  In addition to planning Prom, they also build a Homecoming float, set up a booth at Boo Bash, and participate in other school spirit activities.  In order to be on Junior Exec Board, students, at the end of their sophomore year, have to fill out an application and get peers' signatures to participate.

Kelly Sandberg

Megan Stevenart

Jenifer Davenport

Executive Board - Senior Senior

Executive Board members are elected in the Spring prior to the start of senior year. Elections are held by Student Council. Members are responsible for helping execute Homecoming events (float building, door decorating, etc.) and purchasing the Senior Class gift.  Members usually participate in other activities at the discretion of the sponsors and class officers.

Janelle Keyes-Lutz

Marcus Kugler

Fellowship of Christian Students(FCS)

FCS provides a place for Christian students to gather, pray and fellowship. The club is open to all students.

Kurt Barth

Fitness Club

Fitness Club welcomes all students wishing to learn about fitness and/or participating in fitness activities. Fitness club participates in several community events. The club also organizes and hosts Hope week and the Fitness Fair to help educate students on health and fitness.

Lisa England

April Wenzel

French Club

French Club is an opportunity to further explore French language and culture and meet people with similar interests. French Club is open to students who are enrolled or have enrolled in French. Schedules include business meetings, as well as social and international activities.

Nate Sidwell

Future Business Leaders of America

The purpose of FBLA is to provide, as an integral part of the instructional program, additional opportunities for secondary students in business and/or business-related fields to develop vocational and career supportive competencies and to promote civic and personal responsibilities.

Cassidy Gray

Game Club

Game Club is a tabletop game playing group, including deck building, collaborative, and competitive strategy games and role playing games. Game Club meets weekly on Wednesday afternoons during the school year.

Tom Gross

Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA)

The purpose of the gay-straight alliance is to educate, empower and support students and allies of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ+) population by encouraging acceptance and tolerance within WCHS.

Stacy Beckman

Global Affairs

Global Affairs Club is a group for students who like to study/discuss events happening around the world and have concern for pressing global issues. During election years, Global Affairs will follow the U.S. Presidential Election. Other activities include voter registration drives, Honor Flight support, etc.

Chris Greiner


Nick Pacelli

International Club

The purpose of the club is to promote the interest of international cultures and languages and form life-long friendships with the international students studying at Washington Community High School. Membership is open to all interested students. Activities include gatherings to prepare or eat international food, games to learn about countries around the world, and occasional social outings.

Lora Carrillo-St. John


Intramurals is an opportunity for students to participate in team sports. It is open to all students. In the past, sports have been offered for every season; fall, winter and spring. The sport and season that is offered is dependent upon demand and level of commitment and participation. Sports offered in the past have included basketball, volleyball, soccer, disc golf, wiffleball, and kickball. Students participating in a school sport are not allowed to participate in the activity during their IHSA season.

Lisa England

Brian DeSutter


The Mathletes team competes in a variety of competitions at the annual ICTM (Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics) Regional competition held each February. Competitions include individual and team competitions for freshman through seniors. State contenders compete at the ICTM State math competition at the University of Illinois each spring. Students with a strong interest in math are welcome to compete as a Mathlete.

Sally Broadt

Paige Kilgus

National Honor Society

The National Honor Society recognizes students who demonstrate excellence according to the following four pillars:  scholarship, service, leadership, and character.

A cumulative 3.83 GPA  after the first semester of junior year is what qualifies students to be considered for acceptance into NHS. We notify them they have met this minimum standard early second semester junior year, and then invite them to submit an application for review by a 5 member rotating faculty council. On the application(attached below) they must demonstrate extracurricular involvement, service in the community, strong character & integrity, and leadership skills. 

National Honor Society Application

Chris Greiner

Victoria Aberle

Pep Club

The purpose of this club is to promote spirit within the high school for the athletic programs of WCHS. Membership is open to all students interested in promoting sports at WCHS. Attendance at athletic functions is a requirement for membership.

Tom Smith

Kara Kamienski


Robotics is considered a varsity sport for the mind that connects students to the business and engineering fields. Interested students can get more information at Freshman Kickoff, Club Kickoff, and the Parent Meeting early this fall. The official Robotics season starts on the first Saturday in January, but we'll also meet for five weeks this fall for pre-season training. Our high school team "Mechanical Monarchy" competes in the FIRST Robotics Competition in late March and early April. During build season (January - March), students participate on multiple sub-teams like Design, Fabrication, Marketing, and Programming.

Kurt Burroughs

Curt Whisker

Science Club

Science Club is for students interested in Science . Our club offers the opportunity to hold meetings and organize activities and Science projects in order to promote further interest and knowledge in the field of Science.

Phil Baughman


Operation Snowball is a special program where teens and adults together can experience "sharing and caring". It promotes personal and social development, leadership skills, and healthy decision making regarding a broad range of life concerns. The WCHS Snowball Chapter offers an annual weekend program and various follow up activities.

Amanda Lemm

Megan Brent

Spanish Club

This club is open to all students presently enrolled in Spanish. Activities include social (group dinners), educational (dance lessons and cultural activities), and service activities (school events and community activities).

Trish Crull

Student Council

Student Council members are elected in the spring prior to the upcoming school year, with freshmen members elected when school begins in August. Student Council is in charge of all Homecoming activities, including Community Night, parade, and decorating for the dance. Boo Bash and the Holiday spirit week are other activities that are organized by the Student Council. Our focus is on building leadership skills and working with student representatives to encourage Panther Pride.

Melissa Warfield

Jack Clifford

WLCS (Washington Leadership and Community Service)

WLCS is a service organization open to all students. The purpose of the club is to develop a student's responsibility, leadership ability, and good citizenship practices through school and community projects.

Kim Stafford

Sara Ege

Weld Club

The purpose of this club is to give students who have a passion for welding an opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills in welding and work on projects that take more time than a normal class allows. This group will seek out Welding Competitions to compete in and plan to do small projects for the local community. Those who want to join Weld Club but have not taken a weld class, will be required to pass a basic welding test.

Danny Thornton


Any interested student may join the Yearbook staff. The staff is responsible for compiling all materials for the annual Yearbook. Work is done after school. For those students who cannot attend meetings after school, there is an elective class available for all grades.

Dawn Dayhoff

Sarah Weigel