Sports Online Registration


1. Parent should complete online registration 

2. Turn in a sports physical to Mrs. Hammer in Athletic Dept.

3. Both parent and athlete must watch the Athletic Video Presentation, IHSA Concussion Video and Core Course GPA Video. (click on orange video to the right.)

4. The Core Course GPA Video is a very helpful video for any athlete that is planning to play college sport.


(If your athlete is participating in more than one sport, you must register for each sport only before that season will start.)

1. Click the ‘Online Sports Registration’ hyperlink to the right to visit the 8to18 website.

2. On the 8to18 website, Click on Registration on the orange tab at the top.
3. Create an account using your email address, or login if you already have an account. 
(Parents will register their athlete and use their email address and password.) That email will be used to send out cancellation and related sports information.

Once you are logged in, click Begin Registration. Blue button to the right.

5. Follow the online instructions to complete the registration process.

6. NOTE: A sports physical is required to participate in a sport. Please make sure you turn in your child's sports physical to 
Karen Hammer, Athletic Secretary.
If one is needed to go to the nurse. Please have 2  separate copies for each departments. Sports physical must be signed by the parent and athlete. You can email, fax, mail or drop off your sports physical. Please make sure you have it marked Attention Sherry Thurston.

Fax: (309) 444-9488 Drop off at school or mail to 115 Bondurant Street | Washington, IL 61571 

7. Both parent and athlete must watch the Athletic Video Presentation, IHSA Concussion Video and Core Course GPA video. We would like the parent to watch the NFHS "Parent Seat Video".  (click on orange video links to the right.)

When the online registration is complete and the sports physical has been turned in, the coach will be able to see online that the registration process is complete.


Online Registration for 
Spring Sports is open

(click the link below)


Parents and Athletes must watch all 3 videos
(click the link below)

Athletic Video Presentation

IHSA Concussion Video

Core Course GPA Video